December 23, 2009

Real Time Web?? Now its Real Time - Ads

Hi All,

There is a lot of buzz around for lot of products and services which are creating a cloud of hype in the technology field. Search engines are trying hard to get the real time information on your webpage as soon as possible.

Google and Bing made the deal with real time information source Twitter and on the basis of it, Twitter posted a good amount of profit in 2009. Now this search engines are not satisfied. They want to make revenue also. But ads are the old things.

Now they are trying to get money for the "Real Time advertisements"

This is done by several algorithms and sources. They are taking the trending topics from the internet and showing it to the clients.

Basis of this, they will display advertisements.

Eg: Trending topics - Michael Jackson, Brittany Murphy, Santa Claus, Christmas, etc.

Now the advertisements will be generated based on the trending topics like get the Santa gift for Christmas. Go for shopping at

One Riot has already started to implement this thing. You can check it out from the image below.

Also Google is trying to implement this idea in much better format. They are trying to implement better model of this advertisement by using local trends and location based service.

My ideas regarding implementation - If Google implements real time advertisements. 
  • Twitter real time results
  • Google Trends
  • Social Circle Results
  • Location Based Results
  • News Agency based results
  • Personalized web history results

Now if the user logs in google account, all the above things will be analyzed by google and will be used to create proper results which are oriented to user to get more clicks.

For more information regarding this topic, you are free to mail me.

Hardik Upadhyay

December 20, 2009

New Blog URL - TechBiz Research

Hi All,

At last, I took a serious decision to promote my blog and my knowledge of technology and business behind it.

There was lot of confusion and thought which went in this process. At last, I considered the seriousness to promote my knowledge for technology and using it, I will try to create some research papers and articles which will be useful to the users to gain insight about the new trends and innovation.

Hopefully my articles will keep you updated with telecom trends, mobility solutions and technological advancements.

Share Knowledge, You will gain much more....

TechBiz Research

Hardik Upadhyay

December 16, 2009

3G Spectrum Auction in India - Current Status

India is supposed to be the booming telecom market all over the world.

Facts about telecom industry in India:

  • India has around 490 million mobile subscribers by the end of November 2009.
  • India has mobile penetration of around 40%
  • Rural penetration is around 32%
  • 12 mobile service providers are existing and around 4 more in line to launch their service.
  • Competitive pricing strategy is compelling TSP to generate more innovative ways to create revenue
  • ARPU for the companies is reducing drastically.
All these figures are just a glimpse. But the main fun will be when one of the most awaited technology will be launched in India.

3G (Third Generation of Mobile Communication)

When the world was welcoming 3G, India was struggling to implement fully functional 2.5G in India.

Now it has been a situation that the American and European market is almost saturated for 3G implementation but still, India is trying hard to launch its 3G service.

Government Stance:

Government decided to do auction of 3G much before but the process is "still" under review.


  • Initially Govt decided to auction 3G spectrum on May 2009.
  • Later it got postponed to Sep 2009. Many of the service providers gathered money and were geared up for the auction.
  • But government later changed its decision and decided to do the bidding program on 7th Dec 2009. And as expected, government changed its mood and postponed to Jan 14, 2010.
  • Now the current news is that the auction is still delayed to mid of Feb or Mar 2010.
So what this is all about?
Government is giving reason that defense is not releasing spectrum on time. Also they are saying that now there will be only 3 private players who will get 3G after auction. This will heavily impact the business strategy of the companies who are betting big time on 3G.
People have kept lot of hopes on the competitive pricing of 3G too. Now if the government delays the auction, it will generate a vicious chain of events which will create lot of problem for many players.
Group getting affected by delay in 3G auction:
· Telecom Service Providers who have invested a lot on 3G infrastructure.
· Equipment Vendors like Alcatel Lucent, Nokia Siemens Networks and Juniper networks.
· Indian Telecom Department who are waiting for proper revenue from 3G auction.
But all this will take place only when Government takes proper steps to auction 3G.
Hopefully the auction will be ending by March end and the companies will be launching services by the end of October 2010.
Keep reading my blog for latest news of 3G telecom auction in Indian market.

December 6, 2009

SquareUP -- Days of PayPal Numbered?

It was a great news today when I opened my google reader. I found that the co-founder of Twitter has started a new company known as "Square UP"

Square UP:

This is a startup which is dealing with a mobile payment system. You can connect a payment device through your iPhone Audio jack and can swipe any credit card.

This will fetch all the details of the payee and the payee can pay the amount he wish to pay to he person.

You can see more details about this in the website.

Why this will become a SUCCESS?

This product is going to become a successful model due to the following reasons.

  • Tie Up with Mastercard, Visa and other banks.
  • Easy to use
  • Faster transaction with instant alerts
  • Very compact feature
Other Interesting Information

There are few interesting facts about this too like

  • The project is funded by Khosla Ventures - Vinod Khosla headed company who was founder of SUN microsystems.
  • Khosla ventures has funded around $10 million which is not a small amount for a startup.
  • It is headed by Co-Founder of twitter.
  • The overall funding for this project is around $15 Million.
Now the industry is expecting a very positive results out of this.

This company will pose a direct threat to PayPal which has dominated the payment market from a long time.

The only way to see the outcome is just wait and see the movement of the startup.

I will keep you posted regarding this.

To get more information you can follow me on twitter at

Hardik Upadhyay